
Kuzuryû • 買厄懸場帖 九頭竜 • Baiyaku Kakeba-chou Kuzuryu • Log of Purchases of Misfortune - Kuzuryu

Origination: Manga
Demographic: Seinen
Published: 1974
Status: 📗 Completed
Translation: Unknown
Final Chapter: Volume 3, Chapter 25
Ranked: #56,725
Followed by 3 users


Kuzuryu, a medicine peddler who kept a kakeba-cho (a list of customers for medicine peddlers) with a kuzuryu on the cover, would sometimes take on troublesome cases as "baiyaku" (purchases) as he traveled from country to country. His goal is to discover the secret of his birth. The only clue to the secret of his birth is a metal fronting "Kuzuryu" on a cigarette case. In search of someone who knows "Kuzuryu," Kuzuryu continues his journey...

