Manga FOLKtales

マンガMUKASHI話 • Manga Mukashibanashi

Origination: Manga
Demographic: Shounen
Published: 1978
Status: 📗 Completed
Translation: Unknown
Final Chapter: Volume 1, Chapter 6
Ranked: #65,923
Followed by 1 users


Momotaro was an alien who visited the earth in a peach spaceship...? In the hands of Shotaro Ishinomori, that old Japanese tale that everyone knows is transformed into science fiction and romantic comedy! The time between "Once upon a time" and "happily ever after" is transformed into a completely new world. Included in the collection are "Star Wars Momotaro," "Mukashi Mukashi Tale MOMOTARO-kun," "Magical Romance Issunboushi," "Panic! Tengu no kakuremino" and "Time Travel Urashima Taro"!

